Monday, July 20, 2009

Staying here!

So, the Naner Lady finally chose a name for her soon to be Etsy store, and it is NOT Occams Scissors. Why is that important to me you ask? Well, that means I don't have to give up the blog I hi-jacked from her. You are stuck with me! I do need to get George and Gund to join me here though... hmmm, maybe a nice family photo. We have been playing NCIS a lot lately so maybe Naner Lady can take a picture of us.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Changing blog location

So the Naner Lady might steal her blog back from me!
If she does then I will have to move over to their A2 blog:

She has been working on her art stuff and is now thinking she is fancy. She makes extra naner money sometimes with her stuff and now is looking at selling some of her things online. Here is the things she likes to make:
The Hand won't let her make stuff for us, she did make us scarfs for the winter though. Must keep the plush warm.